About Garfield
Garfield School is located in the small rural community of Selma, in the Central Valley of California. Our students feed into Abraham Lincoln Middle School and Selma High School. Our student population is approximately 230 students. English Learners comprise 42% of the school population.
Garfield teachers focus on exemplary first instruction to ensure all state-adopted standards are mastered. By using data, including state assessments, ELPAC, district assessment and progress monitoring tools, and other formative and summative assessments, students are provided with necessary interventions.
Garfield participates in Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), which is an educational framework designed to identify students who may be at-risk of substandard academic and/or behavior performance. Academic and Behavior interventions and supports are available to target students' needs. The overall purpose of MTSS at Garfield Elementary School is to implement a team-based decision-making process which involves the following: gathering accurate and reliable data, correctly interpreting and validating data, using data to make meaningful instructional changes for students, establishing and managing increasingly intensive tiers of support, evaluating the process at all tiers to ensure the system is working, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). A team of certificated staff (RSP Teacher, School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist, Administrator), as well as a classified staff member (PBI Aide) represent the MTSS team. Ongoing training on site and at the district level assists in MTSS Professional Learning and implementation for the team and for all staff. With the belief that behavior needs to be taught, just as reading and math, the staff created and have taught the rules for various areas of the school (i.e. the classroom, the cafeteria, the restrooms, and the playground). All rules revolve around the concepts of respect, responsibility, readiness, and safety. At Garfield, we pride ourselves in teaching all students and tailoring programs to allow students to reach their highest potential.